Recent News (Page 13)

SCTFL11 and SRL4 sign ups are open
Sign ups for the 11th season of the longest running and most popular Soldat league have been opened! The date for the official start of the season has not yet been established, but we anticipate starting it within a week or two. Make sure to read the rules as they have changed since last season.

Sign ups for SRL4, SCTFL's realistic counterpart, have also been opened. The season will start around the same time as SCTFL.

Good luck to all the participants and we wish you a pleasant season!

SCTFL forums

- DragonSlayer
New version 1.4.3 news
A couple weeks ago the Soldat game development team has grown. They already were working on the server code for a long time, so it was about time they got the client code. EnEsCe and ChrisGBK are working on the new Soldat version. My contribution to this version will be limited because I am focused on my new game link-dead (more info on my blog). There is already an enormous amount of work done, you can expect a lot of new stuff added, it will be worth waiting for. EnEsCe will have more details on specific additions and fixes in a while.
Dedicated Server 2.6.3
This patch contains fixes for a few very important security issues regarding the Soldat Server, aswell as some exciting new ScriptCore changes.

I highly recommend upgrading to this version A.S.A.P.

Quote from: Changes.txt:

////// 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 //////
{fixed bugs}
- Fixed Fileserver DoS exploit
- Fixed ingame DoS exploit
- Fixed non-BattlEye Server crash Exploit
- Fixed EchoKills not working
- Fixed Admin Server accepting connections when no password is set
- Fixed players with vests living through End-Round respawns in Survival mode
- Fixed unicode

{added features}
- Afew Script Core changes, see change log at
- Modified "/recompile scriptname" command can now compile single scripts. Leave blank for all.
- Added OnScriptCrash option to server.ini. Values are recompile, ignore, shutdown, or disable.
Recompile will /recompile the script, ignore will ignore the crash, shutdown will shutdown the server, and disable will disable the script.

ScriptCore changes can be found @ ChangeLog

Download here
Finally we`ve made it. A couple important issues have been addressed in this version. Also there are a couple new features and lots of map changes.
Be sure to check the changelog and download Soldat 1.4.2 right away!

Changes 1.4.1 - 1.4.2

- Added new DM map Veoto, new INF maps inf_Industrial, inf_Argy, removed ctf_Conquest
- Added compatibility for pre 1.4 weapon mods
- Added bullets from high ping players are rendered appropriately
- Added password to join url - soldat://IP:PORT/PASSWORD/
- Added seamless server support (switching servers in-game by server)
- Modified most of the maps fixed and improved by Keron Cyst
- Modified htf_Void tripped over 90 degrees
- Modified logs and screenshots naming convention (first file ends with date and "01", second ends with "02" ...)
- Fixed extreme player warping with decent ping
- Fixed time passing by on game pause
- Fixed auto-updater bug
- Fixed knife could be thrown while invincible after respawn
- Fixed middle map respawn
- Fixed Vista BattlEye bug when installed under "Program Files"

Download here
Digg it! Soldat 1.4.2 released!

Along with this release there is a new dedicated server version 2.6.2 available. With new Script Core v2 by EnEsCe! Be sure to check the readme cause there are some changes in the scripts directory structure.

Not bugs:
Music playing after intro is a feature so you can listen to the music while browsing the menus.
If minimap is disabled on server you can still see the map overview, this is a feature introduced in 1.4.1.

Known issues:
Lobby server might need 2-3 request clicks to work. This is an issue that will be fixed later.
If there are any problems with fonts in the menu please restart the system after installation.
If there are any font problems or low FPS please turn on Video Compatibility in the Setup, if it is not the case please don`t turn it on.
If you experience freezing every 10 minutes on Vista turn Video Compatibility on.
Old demos are not compatible with this version.