Recent News (Page 15)

Important BattlEye server and client update!
All players and server admins are urged to update immediately to prevent the old BattlEye version to generate a lot of traffic (caused by a bug in the update system).
Your Soldat 1.4.1 should automatically detect this and open a download link for you. Install the file to your Soldat folder.

If the download link fails, here it is:

(To find out your Soldat folder, right click your Soldat desktop icon.
Select properties. Read the folder in the "Target:" box.
Example: If it says: "D:/Games/Soldat/Soldat.exe", your Soldat folder is "D:/Games/Soldat".)

Also there is available a server patch. So attention server admins (this one does not auto-update!), the patch is here:

Download it now and update your servers please.
Also please set a new BEBanTime default variable in server.ini:
Official news about the future of Soldat and Crims
There are a few things that need to be fixed still. Especially some network problems which will be resolved. Also BattlEye is fixed and will be fully functional in the next version. This will be a quick fix so expect it soon.
Also because I can afford it now I will be buying a dedicated server for all Soldat related sites and my future projects. It will be maintained and setup by FliesLikeABrick. This will be a huge step forward for Soldat and the entire community.

Crimson Glory:
I have ceased development of Crimson Glory and have moved on to working on another project. Crimson Glory is on a very advanced state, the whole engine is built, there is a lot of graphics done and is fully playable (without net-code). I had to come this far to realize that this is not the game I want to do. The main reason is the 3D aspect of it. Modelling and map making in 3D takes too much time. I want the game to be as easy to mod as possible, making it possible to edit the game just with a paint program not with advanced 3D editors and animators. I will release the game as it is now just to show that I wasn`t doing nothing during this time. You will see how it looks and how the engine works. The engine will be used (after switching to 2D sprites) in my next game. I won`t give out any information about it yet, but as I see it now, I truly think it will be the best game ever made in history.
Wow, this is one hell of a patch work. A lot of problems were hopefully resolved so that everyone may enjoy the new Soldat 1.4.1 experience. Download and enjoy now!

Digg it!

Changes 1.4.0 - 1.4.1

- Added auto patch downloading
- Added /unpause command (/pause works only for pausing now)
- Added hebrew translation
- Modified yellow player left message changed to team color
- Modified bullet graphics
- Modified improved anti-lag
- Modified better netcode for high latency players
- Modified if minimap is disabled server-side no icons are shown on minimap
- Modified increased particle limit
- Modified console and kill console doesn`t fade when players list is shown on higher resolutions
- Modified same taunt cannot be sent for 5 seconds
- Modified spectator can see all on minimap
- Modified removed greater self explosion damage
- Modified improved pinging servers, works with progress bar
- Modified parachutes can be dropped right after respawn
- Modified respawn counter is drawn behind console
- Modified default console font smaller (10 -> 9)
- Modified minigun has less recoil when crouching and prone, more when standing
- Modified minor adjustments to weapons.ini and weapons_realistic.ini
- Modified fixed some translations
- Fixed more map bugs
- Fixed Airpirates wrong map version bug
- Fixed network player bullets appearing correctly according to ping
- Fixed errors when starting game (no need for compatibility mode)
- Fixed resolution change and minimap not working (minimap won`t have background on old video cards)
- Fixed lobby error messages
- Fixed unicode fonts display under Windows 98/SE
- Fixed killconsole graphics not aligned properly
- Fixed killconsole space between names is adjusted according to font size
- Fixed no secondary on server join
- Fixed kicking on servers with disabled weapons
- Fixed flamer flooding and ban
- Fixed team menu box dissapearing when players list show (now box is seen without text)
- Fixed minimap transparency set by soldat.ini "MiniMap_Transparency="
- Fixed survival mode alive players counter
- Fixed add bot text in singleplayer
- Fixed spectator cam on team change
- Fixed disconnect button now works while file downloading
- Fixed cancel button now works properly with server downloading and pinging
- Fixed taunts working with profiles
- Fixed spawning without secondary weapon on team change
- Fixed kits, flags and weapons reserving by players with higher ID (now closest one picks it up)
- Fixed survival mode spectator join and return alive
- Fixed length of console after pressing chat key with fonts height scale greater than 125
- Fixed unicode chars typing in fullscreen
- Fixed "&" causing underline
- Fixed nade throw distance
- Fixed demo playing error with parachutes

The BattlEye anti-cheat won`t be working for at least a week after this release. There are problems with the update feature and moving to a new server. So after that hackers beware.
Demos from previous versions are incompatible with the new one.
If there are any problems with fonts in the menu please restart the system after installation.
If there are any font problems or low FPS please turn on Video Compatibility in the Setup, if it is not the case please don`t turn it on.
News on version 1.4.1
The new Soldat version 1.4.1 is nearly complete. It will be out in a few days, probably this week. It`ll have an auto-update feature so that issues can be solved more quickly.
Along with Soldat will come the new dedicated server 2.6.1. The release of new server versions was on hold because of many changes in the network code and new features. So it`ll be worth waiting for.

Also as I mentioned a couple months ago the price of the registration will go up again. Now it`s only 11.99$, the moment 1.4.1 is out it`ll be 13.99$. If you have any questions concerning the registration I`ll be happy to answer, you can also ask everybody on the Soldat Forums. So if you haven`t registered yet head on to the registration page and buy Soldat now till the price is still lower.