Recent News (Page 8)

The long awaited number change in the Soldat version is finally here. Soldat changes from 1.4 to 1.5. This version has been in development for months. All credits for this version go to EnEsCe with thanks to everybody that contributed. There are some people that helped and of course a lot of people that tested this version in the first Soldat public beta release. So maybe you know the list of changes or not but here it is. Finally we can play this officially against all Soldat players!

Changes 1.4.2 - 1.5:

- Added CTF Maps: ctf_Blade, ctf_Hormone, ctf_IceBeam, ctf_MFM2, ctf_Raspberry, ctf_Rotten, ctf_X, ctf_Guardian
- Added DM Maps: Aero, CrackedBoot, Unlim
- Added INF Maps: inf_Biologic, inf_Rise, inf_Rescue
- Added HTF Maps: htf_Niall, htf_Star, htf_Vortex
- Added Ban Reason + Duration displayed above Join Game button.
- Added volume can be adjusted ingame by pressing Shift and +/- (increase/decrease).
- Added '/mute all' can be used to mute all players. Type '/mute all' again to unmute all.
- Added current computer time is displayed under map timeleft in F1 menu
- Added completely new File Downloading code
- Added text can be pasted using ctrl+v in chat input
- Added last line in console is displayed in join game tab when you get kicked (Last 2 lines if BattlEye kick)
- Added players head explodes sometimes(50% chance) if killed by a headshot from Barrett/Ruger (Bloooood!).
- Added players invulnerable to damage from Flamegod now spout out tiny flames
- Added ActionSnap feature - Press F5 after Killing/Dying and you can view+save that special moment! (Disabled in 16bit Bitrate)
- Added current demo filename is displayed at the bottom center of the frags menu (F1)
- Added number of Flag captures to the frags menu next to a player's name (F1)
- Added TeamSpeak2 Integration. An icon will display above players who speak and are on the same Teamspeak server as you.
   (NOTE: You still need to have Teamspeak running in the background).
- Added Animated GIF Scenery (You can disable the animations by unchecking 'Animated Scenery' in Config.exe)
- Added Lobby Chat. Click the 'Chat' tab next to Join Game to participate. Various options can be found in /Txt/chat.ini
- Added Ingame Radio Commands! If in CTF, INF, or HTF you can issue Voice Radio commands to your teammates! Default Key: V
   (Dont stress! The Voices are pre-recorded and found in /Sfx/radio/)
- Added Checkbox to start Soldat after exiting the Config.exe program
- Added Mouse Sensitivity can be adjusted ingame by pressing Ctrl Alt and +/- (increase/decrease).
- Added "<name> has dropped the Red/Blue Flag" to the console. If the player that died with the flag is on your team, there will be a Big Text message, and a warning sound will play.

- Modified pressing enter while in the IP/Port/Pass textbox now requests the server
- Modified Spectators Interface now displays stats for the current player being watched. (Ammo/health etc)
   Servers can disable this option by setting Advanced_Spectate=0 in server.ini
- Modified Join Game button is disabled for 1 second after clicking to prevent flooding.
- Modified players dont get binked by team mates bullets if Friendly Fire is disabled (Explosions will still bink)
- Modified Soldat now uses FMOD Version 3.75
- Modified Players no longer gain 20 points when they Capture the Flag

- Fixed various annoyances regarding Forward Join popup.
- Fixed cmd menu appearing for players with / at start of their name
- Fixed changing team from Spectator during pause will correctly repause the game
- Fixed Access Violation when adding too many bots
- Fixed 'Bot Team' frame not appearing when restarting Soldat
- Fixed players who join as spectator are unable to select Change Team menu
- Fixed massive FPS lag when players catch fire
- Fixed Spas-12 reload cancelling when rolling forwards/backwards
- Fixed CTF Maps: ctf_Nuubia, ctf_Laos, ctf_Division, ctf_Dropdown2, ctf_Voland, ctf_Viet, ctf_B2b, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Maya, ctf_Run
- Fixed AutoDemo only working once
- Fixed Grenades/Bullets not appearing on screen in realistic mode when owner is behind a polygon
- Fixed player indicator showing during spawn while Player_Indicator=0
- Fixed Explosions that are in your Line of Sight not appearing when the attacker is not in sight
- Fixed Bullets in Realistic mode now have dynamic visibility
- Fixed various "%s" formatting errors in some strings
- Fixed Corrupt Weapon Mod bug
- Fixed RM servers using default Realistic Weapon Mod appearing as Custom
- Fixed 'C' 'V' error message dialog. Now displays the intended error message
- Fixed Weapon/Flag Random Drop bug

I'm always looking for ways to make some cash from Soldat while still having the game free. This version has some ads in the installer. You can choose to install some useful software if it is presented to you. Also you might see an option to install a Soldat Community Toolbar which will most of all keep you updated with community news and useful links. That's it. Without further adieu these are the new files. Download and have fun!

Forum discussion

spread the word DIGG IT!

Soldat 1.5.0d Update
News from EnEsCe
Register Soldat for Free
Well of course not really for free. But I have a really cool deal where you buy one thing and get a Soldat registration for free. I've had this working for a while but I hesitated to publish any news about it until I had a bunch of satisfied players that used it. I`m happy it works!

It is called TrialPay and it is just an additional path for you to get your full license, which is completely equivalent to what you'd get if you took the simple direct payment route. The way it works is you get a couple offers from different companies and if you buy or try one of their products you get Soldat for free.

The guys at Cortex Command or RoboForm are using it for selling full game versions. So its best if they explain it fully:

We're especially excited about the fact that TrialPay customizes its offers to your geographical location. If you live in the U.S., you will get offers from big-name U.S. brands like GAP and Blockbuster, but if you live in China or South America, you get affordable offers for local businesses in your local currency: prepaid cell phone cards, regional shops, etc. Since you get the Cortex Command license for free with the deal, this means it's a much lower expense for you than having to pay a fixed U.S. price in U.S. dollars.

Even for U.S. customers, it's pretty satisfying to be able to choose an offer you're interested in anyway, and then get the game for free on top of it! It certainly made my day when I got RoboForm, and managed to surprise the wife with flowers at her work.

We understand you might be as skeptical as I was initially, but at least check out the offer page. If nothing else, it's pretty interesting to see what random deals you get.

Get Soldat for Free!

I'll be posting some Soldat 1.5 related news soon so come back here in a while, see you.
Soldat Xmas Special!
From MM:
There`s just about 2 weeks left until Christmas. Because of that I made a special offer for all of those that still don`t have a Soldat registration or those that want to give somebody the best Christmas present ever. So read on. At the end of this news you`ll find a special coupon.

I haven`t posted for a while but there`s some stuff going on in the Soldat world. First of all we have a completely new Soldat Forums. If you go on the front page you`ll see some news about the Soldat World Cup which just ended. We have a new winner!

For server admins: there is a small patch available on the server boards.

Soldat 1.5 is in beta stage for a while now. There are just some final tweaks that we need to make to prepare it for release. So I guess early 2009 we`ll have this version officialy out!

In other news: there is a super secret project that we`re doing with FliesLikeABrick and ElephantHunter. I`ll write more about this in the future, but for now let me just say the improved Soldat Forums are just the first step in the upcoming changes. I can mention three words that you can expect from this new project: community, accounts, rankings.

Oh yes and the coupon! There is little time left. So if you don`t have a present yet for your little brother (sister) or yourself don`t hesitate. In just 5 minutes you can be playing the Registered Soldat version with the minimap, increased resolution, customizable colors, interfaces and more. Or maybe you simply want to help me out in making games with money.

Just go to the registration page and in the coupon field type in:


and instead of the original price of 13.99$ you`ll get Soldat just for 9$!

Buy Soldat for 9$