Soldat 1.2 is finally released. After months of developing the new version is out and ready to be played.
So head on Soldier to the downloads page, grab the new file and go kick ass!
I hope you have fun playing this, with fixed major bugs, discovering the new futures and enjoying better more fun gameplay.
If you can please register the game to thank me, you don't have any idea how much time and work this was (there are new options for registered players - check out the registration page).
As usual comments are welcome, please visit the Soldat Forums.
Here is the big list of changes...

Changes list 1.1.5 - 1.2:

- Added demo recording (F8 key)
- Added new gameplay intro
- Added smooth polygon edges
- Added spectator mode
- Added player jet flames color can be changed for registered players
- Added registered players will have a star next to their name on the players list
- Added fast bullets pierce soldiers body
- Added close and fast bullet shots are more brutal
- Added grenades, M79 bullets and LAW missiles explode from each other
- Added remakes of old maps: Arena3 and ctf_Death
- Added smoke after explosion
- Added new explosion effects
- Added small effect on flag capture
- Added new secret animation
- Added sound when time appears in console
- Added stationary gun use sound
- Added every weapon has different bullet and shell graphics
- Added total game texts localisation, localised files placed in SoldatTxtLanguages
- Added in-game statistics in LogsGameStat.txt (updated every 30 seconds)
- Added log.txt and consolelog.txt saved in Logs directory with numbers (for dedicated server)
- Added custom profile taunts saved in SoldatProfiles
- Added players number display in non-team games in players list
- Added network compression (if causes lag on slower machines can be disabled in Soldat.ini)
- Added network code optimisation (less server bandwidth)
- Added LAW and M79 grenade explode if hit player but lag does not show it
- Added more anti-cheat solutions
- Added remote admins can always join server even if full
- Added spectator can switch to the previous player with jets button (default: right mouse click)
- Added game can be joined from parameter with password ex. Soldat.exe 23073 password
- Added server joining through URL address ex. type in browser soldat://
- Added protection against invalid characters in name (only keyboard chars allowed)
- Added names cannot be empty or have spaces in the end
- Added two players can't have the same name (player name changes by server)
- Added double pressing the command key '/' enters the last typed command
- Added pressing the command key '/' displays corresponding player numbers in players menu (F1)
- Added /Kick and /Ban commands can work with player numbers or names now ex. /Kick 2 or /Kick Loser
- Added new server commands:
/addbot1 [name], /addbot2, /addbot3, /addbot4 - for adding team bots
/setteam1 [number], setteam2, setteam3, setteam4 - forces the player to join team
/kicklast - kicks the player that last joined the server
/respawntime [seconds] - changes the respawn time
/maxrespawntime [seconds] - changes the maximum respawn time in team games
/limit [number] - changes the current game limit (kills/points/captures)
/timelimit [minutes] - changes the current time limit
/bonus [number] - changes the frequency of bonuses
/friendlyfire [0/1] - changes friendly fire settings
/vote% [0-100] - changes the percentage of players needed to vote on a map or kick
/password [word] - changes temporarily the server password
/adminpass [word] - changes the remote admin password
/adminlog [password] - for client, logs in as a remote admin on the server using password
- Fixed player-map collision, no more sliding, less polygon holes
- Fixed flag collision bugs
- Fixed player can't move with no weapon if prone
- Fixed idle animations not to interrupt firing
- Fixed various map polygon bugs
- Fixed some joining server issues
- Fixed pick-up medikit health lag on client
- Fixed LAW not disappearing bug
- Fixed pinging servers with the same IP
- Fixed "lobby forward" join and ping issues
- Fixed flag appearing in wrong places on client
- Fixed player getting kicked if didn't choose weapon and USSOCOM was disabled
- Fixed two bows bug when one bow was knocked out
- Fixed warp effect on client if player stood still and was shot
- Fixed chat messages are now guaranteed to arrive on server
- Fixed profile settings not working
- Fixed link on profile selection screen
- Fixed "List out of bounds" error if profile was deleted and used
- Fixed game not saving some settings when started with "-start" parameter
- Fixed Spas-12 reload issues
- Fixed soldier doesn't play grenade animations or sounds if can't throw grenade
- Fixed reload sound stops if player dies, throws out or changes weapon
- Fixed player could not get up with default key if reloading
- Fixed gun jammed when fired quickly after weapon change
- Fixed player couldn't lose weapon if crouching or prone and other no weapon issues
- Fixed double Spas-12 reload sound
- Fixed Spas-12 shooting at self sometimes on client
- Fixed M79 throwing out tons of shells bug
- Fixed player can roll now when reloading
- Fixed player could not get up if had no weapon
- Fixed jumping backwards
- Fixed player fired after clicking vote map or kick
- Fixed weapons being more accurate when shot down-right or up-left
- Fixed stationary gun flying bug
- Fixed player losing weapon if picked up gun while changing weapons
- Fixed weapon created with no force applied on client
- Fixed time display in players menu
- Fixed spawn effect team color
- Fixed wrong message displayed on top of players list if there was a tie in team games
- Fixed clanmatch option
- Fixed player death animaton issues on client
- Fixed player could not play idle animations if had no weapon
- Fixed cursor player info not showing if team player was not standing or dead
- Fixed player not disconnected if pressed Alt+F4
- Fixed window not restoring properly after Alt+Tab or minimize
- Fixed display of names containing character '|' in dedicated server panel
- Modified functional keys: F4 - screenshot, F8 - record demo, F9 - minimize, F10 - pause
- Modified player gets point for killing Rambo, player loses point if kills non-Rambo
- Modified realistic mode field of view, you can not see what is behind you now
- Modified realistic mode fall damage (only falling hurts, doesn't kill instantly)
- Modified range of Barret scope increases slowly
- Modified stationary gun layout on ctf_Kampf
- Modified jet fuel regenerates 2 times faster when on ground
- Modified stationary gun overheats after time and is less accurate after while of firing
- Modified LAW can be fired while prone
- Modified can use jet boots while rolling
- Modified flamer does not kill owner
- Modified flamer has longer distance
- Modified physics - player speed affects bullets speed
- Modified physics - player speed is not limited (1.0xb M79 tricks possible)
- Modified bullets have more power impact on bodies (head shots are more spectacular)
- Modified hit point power ratio:
head shot was: 110% is: 120%
torso shot is: 100%
leg shot was: 80% is: 90%
- Modified weapons stats:
Auto weapons: power increased slightly
FN Minimi: reload time decreased
M79: speed increased by 5%
LAW: shorter reload time, can be fired only from full crouch or prone, 1 second delay on start
Chainsaw: is stronger and has less ammo
- Modified respawn time in team games can't be less than 2 seconds to prevent immediate respawn
- Modified multi kill messages
- Modified big kill text ('killed by ...') can't be very large
- Modified cursor does not center on respawn
- Modified player name can hold 4 more characters
- Modified background colors on most of the maps
- Modified M79 bullet is more visible
- Modified bigger, more brutal blood
- Modified join and leave player messages are now team color coded
- Modified chat message color
- Modified maximum chat message letters
- Modified stereo sound listener is now on player (you hear what your player hears, like you would be him)
- Modified vote map and vote kick rules (default 33%+1 players needed to vote on something)
- Modified team respawn counter sets smaller seconds values
- Modified remote admins cannot be banned
- Modified can play now with modified animations over network
- Modified file logging is disabled by default because of performance issues
- Modified log files - new format, unified date and time
- Modified Terminator bot updated with new Terminator 3 quotes!

plus Soldat 1.1.5 fix:
- Fixed 2 flags bug
- Fixed bullets and explosions crazy multiplying on lag
- Fixed weapon lose bug
- Fixed weapon selection with keyboard if weapons disabled
- Fixed client kill log file issues
- Fixed players wrong respawn after map change
- Fixed stationary gun bullet trail
- Modified stationary gun bullet explode sound
- Modified weapon graphics size restrictions

Special thanks to all forum members and beta testers, this version would not appear without you!

As you may have noticed the layout of the Soldat home page has changed. Also the links section has been cleaned.
If you had a link on the old links page please submit the link again. In order to submit your Soldat page address or clan
go to the links page and click "Submit link".
With the release of Soldat 1.2 there is also available the
new Soldat Dedicated Server 1.2 beta for Linux and Windows with the Soldat Admin 1.2 tool.