Soldat 1.2.1 released!

Soldat version 1.2.1 finally finished! This version has more fixes and additions than I planned.
I worked hard on this, but also had a really good time. I hope you appreciate this version and register the game.
So now head on to the Download section and grab the new version!
Meanwhile you can read the list of changes.

List of changes 1.2.0 - 1.2.1:

Added Auto map downloading from server
Added Bullet and missile ricochets
Added New Advance Mode
Added Bullet time effect
Added Auto recording feature
Added Mute player option (commands: /mute, /unmute)
Added Option to take screenshot on final score
Added Bots aim better with Barret and Ruger on Impossible level
Added Weapons aim is affected by bullet hits (the bink effect)
Added Aim is affected more by player speed
Added In CTF health and grenade boxes spawn on players team side, player can pick up enemy boxes and "steal" them on his side
Added Players get kicked from server after 5 minute idle time
Added Console messages are transparent after pressing F1
Added Option to disable sniper line server-side in soldat.ini
Added New map anti-hack system
Added New voting system with menu for selecting "yes" or "no"
Added Server makes an automatic kick vote if cheating is detected to prevent unfortunate bans
Added Weapon muzzle collision detection with polygons and colliders to prevent hidden camping
Added Grenade and medikit boxes can be hit by bullets on LAN
Added Parachute drops off after pressing jets button
Added /maxplayers to commands list in manual
Added New buttons for mp3 playing: F6 - Previous song; F7 - Next Song
Added New DM maps: remake of old HH, Bigfalls, Tropiccave
Added New CTF maps: ctf_Chernobyl, ctf_Crashed, ctf_Dropdown, ctf_Equinox, ctf_Maya
Added New INF map: inf_Invasion
Modified Mp3's are now played only through .m3u lists (put them in the Mp3 folder)
Modified Minigun has less bullet spray
Modified Ak-74 has slightly more power
Modified Cursor is 2 times smaller with sniper line
Modified Kill console is longer
Modified Death ambient sound
Modified Guns stay 5 seconds longer
Modified Maps: ctf_B2b, ctf_Voland, Arena2 and other minor map changes
Modified No limit for unregistered version demo recordings
Modified More recoil in realistic mode for Ruger 77
Modified Survival mode enabled in Pointmatch and CTF
Modified Servers list sorts by ping after request
Modified Health and grenade box don't spawn at the same place after picking up
Modified Explosions have less impact on flags
Fixed Double shooting law exploit
Fixed Server filter options not saved
Fixed Flag collisions with map and player
Fixed Mp3 playing during intro
Fixed Spectators being kicked for cheating
Fixed Soldat window showing on the center of desktop instead of screen (for multi-monitor systems)
Fixed Space button could not be assigned to keys
Fixed Soldier shivering on horizontal polygons
+ Soldat 1.2 fix changes
Added '/shutdown' command for server
Added bigger console for messages after pressing the
Fixed lobby server address and servers list downloading
Fixed 'bad packet' debug messages
Fixed random crashing ('decompression failed')

Some of the changes need a few comments:

Server makes an automatic kick vote if cheating is detected to prevent unfortunate bans -
The best anti-cheat protection will be when people decide to kick the cheater. Please vote for kick when there appears a cheater on the server.
If the game detects cheating it will not kick the player but make an automatic vote kick so people can decide if he is guilty or not.

New Advance Mode - Players are limited to secondary weapons on game start. A new weapon can be selected every couple of kills
(every 10% of the Kill Limit or 10% 5 x Capture). So for example if the limit is 30, you get a new random weapon every 3 kills,
and lose a weapon every 3 deaths.

Weapons aim is affected by bullet hits - Named by one of the beta testers the bink effect. this option has the biggest impact on the Barret.
The rest of the weapons are slightly or not at all affected by this. If somebody shoots you, your aim gets worse (you can see it
when your cursor gets bigger). It has been implemented so that other weapons have greater chance against the Barret.

Bullet time effect - It appears when all players are on the same screen (they are close and see each other) and one of them dies.

So have fun.