Nylige nyheter (Page 29)

ESL Mapping contest #2
Details here. ESL has started a new mapping contest. I am one of the judges. The best map will be part of the ESL league and become an offical Soldat map (it will come with the next patch).
Soldat Forums
I just thought I would advertise the Soldat Forums a little. Especially new players and anyone that wants to share something with the community should check it out.

After you register you can visit for example one of these forums:
Problems and bugs - you can recieve help better and faster than e-mailing me, thanks to all the great people contributing.
Always please use the search, because there is a 99% chance that someone had your problem before.
Server corps - if you have a problem with your Soldat server search for help here. I also post news about latest dedicated servers here.
Fan apps - the latest programming efforts from Soldat fans. You can find a bunch of good Soldat related programs here (like modified admins, map makers, stat programs etc....)
Fan art - a massive collection of Soldat movies and art. It's amazing how much inspiration comes out from a 2d game ;).
Maps - from the beginning of Soldat this is the place to find new released maps. Server admins should check it out more often and use custom maps.
Mods - the same as with maps. This place is always full of great graphic and sound mods.
Translations - get and post text translations of the entire game here.
Bash pit - if you want to see how crazy people playing Soldat are check this out.

The forum currently has 6505 members. Thanks to Styx and the moderators for keeping the place in one:).
If you can't e-mail me you can always PM me on the forums which is a safer method of contacting me.
Dedicated Server patch and Admin source
New dedicated server is released - version 2.2.7, it should fix a load of problems. Reporting bugs and suggestions is always welcome on the server corps forum.
Also I decided to release the Soldat Admin source code since I'm not updating the program anymore because there are better programs now done by the community.
New lobby server
Thanks to our friends at selfkill.com we have a new european lobby server. It is an additional server that you can use or not. Once you add it, the game will automaticly detect the faster server and use it. The new server is currently working independently so the servers on them are different than on the main lobby but they should be synchronized soon, when they're fixed.

Current list
- open lobby_servers.txt and below 'lobby.soldat.pl' place 'selfkill.com'
- or you can download this file (save as...) lobby_servers.txt and place it in the Soldat directory.