Nylige nyheter (Page 30)

Soldat will be one of the games featured in the german NBC TV show Giga league. Last season there were 100.000 players on the Giga-Liga. It's restarting on the 01.03.2005 so check it out.
The soldat.eu.org portal is now also presented in english language. Soldat.eu.org was created in winter 2002 and quickly became one of the best portals in Poland, everybody is welcome to visit.
The Next League
The Second season of TNL has now finished, and the results are as follows: First Place: sv| Second Place: {EF} Third Place: (SN) A big thanks to all the clans that took part, and a reminder that the second TPC (The Pwnage Cup) Will be starting soon, More details on TNL.org.uk.
I released a new dedicated server today. It fixes some issues with vote kicking and... it adds the possibility to change weapon damage settings. So server admins can change weapon balance if they want to. Just edit the file weapon.ini available with the new download. However this is released for testing purposes only and that's why only passworded servers will work with weapons modifications. Also before the name of the server will be added "(WM)" so everybody knows it's a modified server. If you want to make the server semi-public you can write the password in the info space on the lobby page (edit 'Greeting_Message=' in soldat.ini file).
This might be a beginning of a new era for Soldat, so have fun with it.